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EDE 390 01 LU    

Health Issues in the Classroom   3.00   01/14/2019   05/11/2019   Lecture

Explores concepts related to mental health, nutrition, minor first aid, CPR, the recognition of communicable diseases, and characteristics of children born with addictions. Also considers the conditions necessary for developing healthy, well-adjusted, and emotionally secure young children and the effects of lack of these conditions on the growth and development of children from prenatal to age 8. The influence of culture, lifestyle, media, technology and other factors on health is studied. Safety procedures, record-keeping, legal and liability issues regarding health, nutrition, and safety, and signs, symptoms and strategies for interaction and reporting of known or suspected abuse are emphasized. This course includes a classroom clinical component. Prerequisites: EDL 101, 201, 210, 220; EDE 270.

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Meetings Start Time Start Date End Date Room
___R___ 11:30AM- 2:00PM 01/14/19 05/11/19 DB 306