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ED 541 01 ED GS16    

Pupil Personnel Services   3.00   02/02/2019   04/13/2019   Lecture

The role and function of various support staff and services which impact students and their parents are studied. Emphasis is placed on the non-academic services which are provided in the schools. These include: psychological services, school health services, guidance services, special education services, speech and hearing therapy services, and alcohol and drug programming. Consideration is given to the influence of these services on other school personnel and parents. Special education is studied in detail. The various types of disabilities students might bring to school are identified. The role of the intervention assistance team is studied. Confidentiality and privacy of school records are reviewed. Candidates demonstrate an ability to bring together the resources of family members and the community to positively affect student learning. Developing pupil service programs to meet the needs of students and their families is emphasized. The need to bring family and community resources to bear on the needs of students is stressed. There is a six hour field component required in this course. This course is considered to be part of the licensure program.

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Meetings Start Time Start Date End Date Room
_____S_ 8:00AM- 4:00PM 02/02/19 02/02/19 MU 314
_____S_ 8:00AM- 4:00PM 02/16/19 02/16/19 MU 314
_____S_ 8:00AM- 4:00PM 03/02/19 03/02/19 MU 314
_____S_ 8:00AM- 4:00PM 03/30/19 03/30/19 MU 314
_____S_ 8:00AM- 4:00PM 04/13/19 04/13/19 MU 314