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NR 532 02 LG GS16    

Intro to Evidence Based Practice   3.00   01/14/2019   05/11/2019   Web/On-line Course

This course will provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to advance as a consumer of research. Emphasis is on the identification and evaluation of current knowledge related to the care of a specified patient population as well as identification of ongoing clinical problems that might serve as the basis for future research projects. Students will gain an understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods and become skilled in locating and summarizing literature related to a clinical problem. Students will learn approaches to summarizing and describing data and demonstrate beginning skills in the use of statistical software. Prerequisites: NR 530 Concepts and Theories or permission of the dean.

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Meetings Start Time Start Date End Date Room
_______ - 01/14/19 05/11/19
___R___ 5:30PM- 8:00PM 01/17/19 01/17/19 PH 109
___R___ 5:30PM- 8:00PM 02/21/19 02/21/19 PH 109